
Apply Now For MBA / BBA / BCA / B.COM / MCA for 2025-26 Batch.        Early Bird Scholarship Available
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Welcome to IBSAR Business Management School

Established in 2004, Institute of Business Studies & Research (IBSAR) is a premier management school. The institute was set up in Navi Mumbai (the fastest growing industrial hub), to give an impetus to management education, and ever since has been acting as the pioneer in the field of management education interfacing with industry, business leaders and academicians.

IBSAR is a multi disciplinary business school focusing on actionable business programs. We ensure that our education is at all times relevant to business. We deliver well trained business leaders and managers who are able to influence across organizational boundaries. We are fully committed to high-quality research. We continuously invest in research activities and recruitment of academic leaders in fields such as Finance, HR, and Marketing. IBSAR offers you an outstanding learning environment by facilitating the best learning experience possible. Your learning experience will be influenced by the most recent developments in the field and delivered by experienced teachers, researchers, top management professionals and consultants. We draw on a deep pool of practitioners from a range of organizations. The school has entirely new insights and differentiation strategy to help management aspirants to grow into top ranking global professionals. The training at IBSAR starts from the word “go” as students have to manage the institute in all respects. Students are involved in admissions, administration, faculty selection, corporate interaction, project selections, internships, placements, various events and live projects. IBSAR TRUST approved and affiliated to Mumbai university and runs MBA/BBA/BCA/B.Com Computer Science etc. We are an authorised facility center of TMV, Pune.

Outstanding features of IBSAR experience

  • High academic and intellectual standards
  • Quality teaching and assessment standards.
  • Range of teaching methods and delivery options.
  • Personal development and growth labs.
  • Skill development workshops.
  • Client field projects.
  • Participation in seminars, events and conferences across nation.
  • Class (Cultivating Leadership Abilities, Skills and Sensitivity) throughout the program.

What skills do hiring companies look for in MBA graduates?

Why do recruiters like MBA’s in general, and how do MBA’s measure up to expectations the most? What skills could MBA’s stand to improve? Here are the top six items on the recruiters’ lists:

  • Ability to think analytically.
  • Ability to think strategically.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Quantitative skills.
  • Oral communication skills.
  • Ability to make decisions with imperfect information.

Clearly, employers find that MBA’s have well-developed quantitative and analytical skills, but they would like to see even stronger leadership and communication skills.

What Are Corporate Recruiters Looking for in an MBA Hire?

Recruiters have indicated what characteristics of potential new MBA hires are most important in their hiring decisions. The top 10 are as follows:

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Proven ability to perform.
  • Cultural fit within the company.
  • Evidence of adaptability.
  • Quantitative knowledge/technical skills acquired in the MBA program.
  • Prior work experience related to the industry, job, or company.
  • Management knowledge/skills acquired through MBA program.
  • History of increased job responsibility.
  • MBA functional area/concentration of study.

The top three characteristics recruiters look for in a job candidate—strong communication and interpersonal skills, proven ability to perform, and cultural fit with the company—are so important that if these qualities are lacking in a candidate, the candidate’s skills and education will not make up for the deficiency. In other words, the absence of these valued qualifications can prevent an MBA grad from being hired.

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