- NAAC Accredited
- AAA Rating by Careers360
How To Get Admissions The following steps are to be followed:
Eligibility For MBA:
1.Graduation in any discipline + CAT / XAT / MAT / ATMA / GMAT
2. Bring the following documents when you come for GD/PI :
a) 1 recent coloured photograph.
b) 10th , 12th , graduation mark sheet photocopies.(Final year appearing candidates can also apply)
c) CAT / XAT/ MAT/ ATMA/ GMAT/ CET score card photocopy.
d) If you don’t have any score, come prepared to write IBSAR Test. Its duration is for 60 minutes and comprises of Mathematics, English, Logical Reasoning and G.K.
3. Download Application form from our website- www.ibsar.ac.in Read it carefully, fill the form and send it at the earliest to IBSAR along with a DD of Rs. 1000/- in favour of IBSAR payable at Mumbai and on receipt, we shall courier the prospectus to you. Please mention the course and your mailing address on the request letter.
4. You can visit IBSAR with your parents/You can apply online also from http://ibsar.ac.in
5. Bring a DD of Rs. 30,000/- in favour of IBSAR, payable at Mumbai as registration fee when you come for an interview. our team will accept this draft only if you get selected and issue a receipt and it shall be deducted from the first installment of your fee, for the program. This is seat confirmation fee.
6. The first installment is to be paid within one month of your admission or if it is a bank loan, then let your bank send it directly to IBSAR, within one month.
7. No fee once paid shall be refunded under any circumstances. It is a self-financed Institution and seats have been limited to ensure quality. All legal are issues subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction.
8. Information about the MBA program can be viewed on our website (www.ibsar.ac.in)
9. Free Career Counselling is also available from specialists.
Eligibilities For Undergraduate BBA / BCA – Programs
1. 12th pass (12th appears candidates can apply)
2. Free Career guidance is also available on call at +91 98192 38118, +91 72083 16994