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Internship & Project

Admissions are open for 2024 - 2025 Batch for MBA, BBA, BCA, BCOM, MCA, Msc (CA).


All MBA students both regular, are required to submit a Project Report as part of fulfillment of this course. The aim of the Project is to allow the student to demonstrate their ability, to apply multi disciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve organisational problems to specific situation using their commonsense.

Type of Project

The project may be from any one of the following types and preferably from your area of specialisation:

i) Comprehensive case study (covering single organisation / multifunctional area problem, formulation, analysis and recommendations).
ii) Inter-organisational study aimed at inter-organisational comparison / validation of theory/survey of management practices.
iii) Field study (empirical study).

Formulation of Project

i) The length of the report may be about 50 to 60 double spaced typed pages not exceeding approximately 18,000 words (excluding appendices and exhibits). However 10% variation on either side is permissible.
ii) Each project report must adequately explain the research methodology adopted and the directions for future research.
iii) The project report should also contain the following:

a )Certificate of originality duly signed by the student and the supervisor / guide
b ) The presentation should be good.

Some important notes while preparing the project proposal
Project Proposal should include the following:

a) Rationale for the study
b) Objectives of the study
c) Research Methodology to be used for carrying out the study (detailing nature of data, data sources, collection methods, tools and techniques of analysis, sampling etc.)
d) The expected contribution from the study
e) Limitations, if any, and the direction of future research.
The report should demonstrate the ability of the student for data collection, analysis of data, formulation of recommendations and for suggesting a viable
scheme for implementation of his recommendations. All the step in analysis of the relevant theory shall be included in the report.


The project work should be done under the guidance of a competent (full time / part time ) faculty from the Institution from where the student is doing his / her MBA .A certificate should be submitted as required. No Supervisor / Guide will guide more than ten students.

The project report should be submitted to the Institution where the student is studying within a period of two months from the date of completing the Industrial training or undertaken the project (for distance student).

Format / Presentation of Project Report

The format that the student should follow while submitting the project report as follows

Title Page.
Vidyapeeth certificate.
Supervisor / Guide certificate.
Organisation’s Certificate, where the student did project.
Index of contents with page numbers.
Chapter 1. Rationale for the study
Chapter 2 Objective of the study.
Title of the project
Objective of the study
Scope of the study
Chapter 3 Profile of the company.
Chapter 4 Review of literature.
Chapter 5 Research Methodology
Research Design
Data collection methods / sources
Sampling plan which should include sampling unit, sampling size and sampling methods viz questionnaire methods interview methods observation etc.
Chapter 6 Data analysis and interpretations using various charts and graphs.
Chapter 7 Findings.
Chapter 8 Limitations if any
Chapter 9 Expected Contribution from the study (Recommendations & suggestions)
Copies of questionnaire
Copies of form or any from the company
Guidance for the presentation of the project report.

Paper and Text

The project report must be typed on A4 size white bond paper
The numbers should be sequential. The page number should be typed at the bottom right side.
The text should be double or 1.5 spaced. Each paragraph should be properly titled. New times Roman or Arial font with size 12 for contents & 14 for paragraph headings and 16 for chapter headings.


Students should submit one copy of project in a black bound volume with golden embossing to the Vidyapeeth. These must conform to instructions given in these guidelines. Students should keep a copy of the project report with them and bring the same at the time of viva voce.

Before binding the Project report the student should ensure that it contains all the original certificates as mentioned above.
After submission of the Project Report, the students must make themselves available for a viva voice examination 
Softcopies of the Vidyapeeth Certificate and Internal Guide Certificate will be made available on request.

BBA VI Semester Project Guidelines

Project work is the best way to practice what you have learnt. The purpose of including project report in the bachelor program is to provide you an opportunity to study a problem applying management concepts in a scientific manner. It enables you to apply your conceptual knowledge in a practical situation and to learn the art of conducting a study in a systematic way and presenting its findings in a coherent report.

Submission Dates

Students will normally be expected to complete the Project Report within a period of one month.
The submission date is 15th February 2019.
The Original copy of Project Report must reach Vidyapeeth on or before the date mentioned above.
If the students fail to submit the report by the last date, the project report will be accepted before 21st February 2019 with late fee of Rs. 500/-.

Viva Examination

If students are unable to complete the project in the maximum time permitted, they will not be allowed to appear for the Viva Examination. 
Please note that the Viva – Voce will be conducted after the end of semester examination.

The Choice of Project

• The students must do a Project only in the area of specialization he/she has chosen.
• Each student will choose a research topic in consultation with the Internal Guide of the respective specialization
• The method of data collection would be of survey method.
• The students are expected to collect data from the organization within 7 to 10 days.
• The Source of data can be primary as well as secondary.
• Each students will do the project individually on separate topic (No two projects must be same).
• The role of the faculty member as a project guide is initially to give guidance on the choice of the project title and the methodology to be employed, develop questionnaires with students and later to give advice in all aspects of the research.
• The students must submit the Company Visit certificate signed by the authorities from the organization.

Presentation of Project Report

(A) The main report should follow the following chapter scheme sequentially.

a) Title Page
b) Vidyapeeth Certificate
c) Internal Guide Certificate
d) Company Certificate
e) Acknowledgement
f) Index of Contents with page numbers


Chapter 1: General Introduction (Industrial Background)
Chapter 2: Introduction to the problem
• Title of the project
• Statement of the problem
• Purpose of the study
• Objectives of the study
• Scope of the study

Chapter 3: Profile of the company
Chapter 4: Theoretical Perspective
Chapter 5: Methodology 
• Data collection methods / sources
• Sampling Plan

Chapter 6: Data Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 7: Findings
Chapter 8: Limitations
Chapter 9: Conclusions and Recommendations
• Copies of Forms / Questionnaires used
• Bibliography

(B) The following are the notes of guidance for the presentations of Project Report.

Paper and Text

• The Project Report must be printed or typed on A4 size white bond paper.
• The pages should be numbered consecutively. The preferred position for the page number is typed at the bottom centre of the page.
• The text should be in double or 1.5 line spacing in Times New Roman or Arial font with font size between 10 and 14 inclusive. Headings should be in a font size no larger than 16.
• The Project report must be of minimum 50 Pages.
Margins at the binding left hand side should be not less than 30 mm. Top, bottom and side margins should be not less than 15 mm.
Title Page:
• The format of Title Page is enclosed.
• All students must follow the same pattern.


Student must make two spiral – bond copies of the project report with blue color cover. One copy must be submitted to the Vidyapeeth on or before 15th February 2019 and remaining one copy of project must be submitted at the time of Viva. These must confirm to the style described above.
After submission of the Project Report, the students must make themselves available, for a viva voce examination. Failure to do so will normally be deemed to constitute a failure in that assessment.
Guides should ensure that the guidelines are thoroughly followed by all the students.

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